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Navigating COVID-Related Tax Credits for Self-Employed Individuals in 2021 

Introduction to COVID-Related Tax Benefits 

As we continue to address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress introduced a tax credit to help self-employed individuals to receive sick and family leave. If you run a Schedule C business, you may be eligible for significant tax credits related to sick and family leave due to the pandemic for the tax years 2020 and 2021. 

Understanding the Eligibility for COVID-Related Tax Credits 

These tax credits are designed to support those who were unable to work due to various COVID-19 related scenarios. Understanding whether you qualify can lead to substantial financial relief. Here’s a breakdown of the situations that might make you eligible for these tax credits: 

  • Quarantine Orders: If you were under a federal, state, or local quarantine or isolation order. 
  • Health Advice: If a healthcare provider advised you to self-quarantine due to COVID-19. 
  • Symptoms and Diagnosis: If you were experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and sought a medical diagnosis. 
  • Caring for Others: If you were caring for someone under quarantine or advised to self-quarantine. 
  • Childcare Disruptions: If you had to care for a child because their school or daycare was closed, or childcare was unavailable due to COVID-19 precautions. 

How to Claim Your Tax Credits 

The process to claim these credits requires documentation, primarily the number of days you were affected by each of the above conditions. The deadline for filing an amended return to claim these credits for tax year 2020 for most people is May 17, 2024, unless you extended your tax return for that year. This provides a window of opportunity to assess and apply for the credits you deserve. 

Why Act Now 

With the deadline approaching, it’s crucial to start the process as soon as possible. This ensures that you have ample time to gather necessary documentation and make a strong case for your claim. 

For self-employed individuals impacted by COVID-19, these tax credits offer a vital opportunity to recover lost earnings due to health-related work interruptions.  If you have any questions or need assistance, consider reaching out to your YHB tax professional who can provide tailored advice and support.