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2024 E.L.I.T.E. Award Winners

Each year YHB staff nominate their peers to be recognized for their outstanding performance in 5 different categories. This is known to YHB as the E.L.I.T.E. Awards (Exceptional Leadership In Trust & Excellence). These awards were established to recognize YHB Team Members that personify YHB’s Vision and Mission, and exemplify our Core Values. The categories are: Trusted Advisor, Rainmaker, Breakout Performance, Community Champion, and new this year, Above and Beyond the Call of Duty (ABCD). Each year the winners are announced at YHB’s annual Firm Day where our staff joins together from across the US.

YHB is pleased to share this year’s winners and a few words from their nominators.

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty (ABCD)

This award recognizes YHB team members who demonstrate exemplary dedication, innovation, or collaboration in their respective fields, in turn significantly contributing to the overall success and growth of the firm.

Joel Hein

“He’s always willing to assist anyone, regardless of his own workload, and he embodies the true spirit of team work.”

“He consistently performs at a high level on client work and he stands out as a leader in training development of team members.”

Morgan Lee

“Her infectious enthusiasm and readiness to lend a helping hand have created a collaborative environment, ensuring the success of countless projects, even under tight deadlines.”

“With a keen gift for leveraging technology, she’s always at the forefront of innovation, continuously seeking ways to streamline processes and enhance productivity.”

Heidi Lusk

“She exemplifies what it means to be an amazing assurance associate, consistently going above and beyond.”

“Her exceptional ability to accomplish tasks with understanding and timeliness sets her apart.”

Trusted Advisor Award

This award recognizes YHB team members who continually goes above and beyond to provide unparalleled customer service, who embodies YHB’s Core Values of Quality, Integrity and Respect, and who has achieved a level of technical expertise.

Ben Vaughan

“The first thing that comes to mind is his ability to listen very intently, both to those who are in his peer group and those of us who work below him and the client as well.”

“What stands out to me about this individual is his unwavering dedication to both clients and coworkers, meeting challenges head on each and every time.”

Curtis Adams

“He truly takes the time and dedication to help any individual on a personal level for improvement, always striving to elevate the team. His efforts have greatly enhanced our collaboration and teamwork, creating a more unified and effective workplace.”

“His willingness to support and mentor his colleagues embodies the spirit of YHB, making him an invaluable asset to our team. We are incredibly grateful for his contributions and the positive influence he brings to our firm.”

Rainmaker Award

This award recognizes YHB team members whose dedication to Business Development has resulted in the generation of new business, good passes, and/or implementation of a new practice area or service line.

Brad Tomlinson

“His insightful questions and conversation with the prospect of client led to an additional financial statement engagement and multiple entity tax return services.”

“His proactive and timely approach to marketing proposal requests and presentations makes the marketing team and principles process much easier.”

Break Out Performance

This award recognizes YHB team members who – in their first year of employment or in their first year within a new role – have demonstrated exceptional drive to exceed established goals while exemplifying YHB’s Core Values of Teamwork and Investment.

Macayla Messick

“Her hard work and resilience led to the promotion to Client Service Coordinator in less than a year.”

“Her partners rely on her heavily and she consistently rises to the challenge, even if it means processing tax returns at 4:00 AM.”

Annie Dunn

“She has had a whirlwind of a year as a new associate and we can’t wait to see her grow in her career at YHB.”

“Facing her first tax season, she rose to the occasion with incredible determination, so much so that her car was reported to the police as abandoned at the office because it never seemed to move. She was just coming in early and staying late to exceed client expectations, and she did just that.”

Jacob Deane

“This person has embraced their supervisor role with dedication and a genuine desire to add value to the team.”

“They are the kind of person who gets along with everyone and has taken on the role of mentor for so many, embodying the spirit of a true team player.”

“Their hard work, coach ability, and positive outlook have led to remarkable achievements, making a significant impact on our team.”

Community Champion

This award recognizes YHB team members who have been an inspiring example of exceptional leadership and service by giving their time and talents for the betterment of their community.

Colleen Breuning

“This individual has shown exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment as Co Chair of the Mental Health Employee Resource Group, earning them the Community Champion Elite Award since its inception in 2023.”

“Her dedication is evident in the countless hours spent preparing for meetings, following through on initiatives, and supporting individual members.”

Carleigh Marshall & Sheriene Harris

“Their exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment as Co-chairs of the Network of Black Accountants (NOBA) Employee Resource Group have earned them the Community Champion Elite Award.”

“Their continued dedication and compassionate leadership have kept NOBA’s momentum going strong.”

While there are many team members at YHB deserving of these awards, we are proud to highlight our 2024 winners. At YHB, clients, community and staff are our top priorities. Celebrating those who live out our values is an honor, and team members like the above are what makes YHB a special place.