Each year YHB staff nominate their peers to be recognized for their outstanding performance in 4 different categories. This is known to YHB as the E.L.I.T.E. Awards. (Exceptional Leadership In Trust & Excellence) These awards were established to recognize YHB Team Members that personify YHB’s Vision and Mission, and exemplify our Core Values. The categories are: Trusted Advisor, Rainmaker, Breakout Performance and Community Champion. Each year the winners are announced at YHB’s annual gathering of staff from across the state.

YHB is pleased to share this year’s winners and a brief interview with them.
Trusted Advisor Award
This award will be given to a YHB team member who continually goes above and beyond to provide unparalleled customer service, embodies YHB’s core values of Quality, Integrity and Respect and is recognized as a subject matter expert in their practice niche.
Noah Carr

What does it mean to you to have won an ELITE award?
It’s a great honor. I have always felt valued and respected for the work I have done here at YHB. Receiving this award is like getting something that tangibly represents that appreciation I have always felt.
What are your favorite things about working in public accounting? What about working at YHB?
Favorite part about working at YHB has always been the people.
What advice do you have to new staff?
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and ask “dumb” questions. Even us WVU grads have our days of feeling like clueless idiots and we went to the Harvard of the Appalachians! Just do your best to make yourself available for work and have a strong willingness to learn. You will be amazed how much you pick up on during your first year or two.
Who would you like to thank?
I’m not sure where to begin! I’ve had the opportunity to participate in a lot of different types of work here at YHB. Everybody from the Bank Tax team and Middleburg crew to the Construction tax team and some former staff members have been instrumental in my development during my time with the firm. Even a few IT auditors were key in helping me learn the public accounting ropes during my first year.
Gina Aylor

What does it mean to you to have won an ELITE award?
It is an honor to receive the award and very humbling to know co-workers and management felt, in some small way, I helped YHB achieve its goal of performance for our clients.
What are your favorite things about working in public accounting? What about working at YHB?
The people – not only does YHB have a wonderful staff to work with throughout the firm, I enjoy working and assisting our clients.
What advice do you have to new staff?
Ask questions. Do not ever feel you can’t ask a question. All staff, from management to receptionists are more than willing to assist, provide guidance and their own experience lessons. If I was able to do anything correct during tax season to be honored by the award, it has been because of the excellent, open communication my supervisors have given me over the years.
Who would you like to thank?
The Culpeper Principals & Staff – I was fortunate to have Karen Haught train and guide me with her knowledge of YHB procedures. I quickly learned in the Culpeper office no one works alone – it is a team effort. They continue to amaze me at how quickly they jump in to help even with mundane tasks like stuffing envelopes or running to the post office.
Danielle Kerns

What are your favorite things about working in public accounting? What about working at YHB?
I enjoy building relationships with our clients and getting to return each year for the audit to learn about the updates to their organization or in their own lives.
What advice do you have to new staff?
My advice to new staff would be to experience as many service lines as possible in your first couple years to ultimately find the one you enjoy the most.
Rainmaker Award
This award will be presented to a YHB team member who demonstrated business development “Success” as a result of new business generation, good passes and/or implementation of a new service line.
Erica Young

What does it mean to you to have won an ELITE award?
It is an honor to be recognized by my team members and YHB!
What are your favorite things about working in public accounting? What about working at YHB?
I enjoy working at YHB because it has given me an opportunity to do the work I love and have a balance that lets me live a fulfilling life outside of the office.
What advice do you have to new staff?
Don’t discount your future based on who you are now or where you are at in life. I never thought in a million years I would have the title “rainmaker” next to my name. Life changes, people change, so don’t give up on trying to be the best you.
Who would you like to thank?
Everyone. There is no way EBP could have grown so much without a cross-niche effort. When YHB grows, we grow.
Break Out Performance
This award will be presented to a YHB team member who as a new Associate, as a new employee to YHB, or as a current team member in a new role has demonstrated outstanding drive and initiative in their first year by taking ownership and achieving established goals while at the same time exemplifying YHB Core values of Teamwork and Investment.
Nick Preusch

What does it mean to you to have won an ELITE award?
It means a ton! Ever since I came to the firm, I felt welcomed and a place I could call home. Winning shows me the firm appreciates me as much as I love being here!
What are your favorite things about working in public accounting? What about working at YHB?
I love that every day is different. Even if I have a To-Do list, by 10 AM that’s usually out the door with some new project that came out of nowhere. The people are what makes YHB great. Everyone is so nice and welcoming that the firm feels more like a family than a workplace.
What advice do you have to new staff?
Ask questions. Accounting is more of an apprenticeship than a normal job. There’s no stupid questions and the more you ask, the more you’ll learn.
Who would you like to thank?
Everyone at the firm! Especially Josh, Alex and Adrian. They have really helped my transition to a new firm and have been supportive all the way!
Connor Edwards

What does it mean to you to have won an ELITE award?
I was beyond honored to have won an ELITE award. The recognition for the effort and dedication that I put into being a member of our teams is greatly appreciated.
What are your favorite things about working in public accounting? What about working at YHB?
My favorite part of my job is the constant learning. Every day brings on new excitement and learning opportunities.
What advice do you have to new staff?
If I had to provide advice to new staff, I’d say take ownership of your career early on. You get out what you put in. Advocating for the yourself is the fastest way to success.
Who would you like to thank?
I’d like to thank Kim Belcher and Curtis Thompson for the nomination, as well as my colleagues who make YHB a environment I can flourish within.
Community Champion
This award will be presented to a YHB team member who has provided outstanding leadership and given of their time and talents for the betterment of their Community serving as an example and inspiration to others to pay it forward.
Shelley Lewis

What does it mean to you to have won an ELITE award?
It felt great to be recognized for service to the Winchester community!
What are your favorite things about working in public accounting? What about working at YHB?
My favorite thing about the 34 years I have been in public accounting at YHB has been meeting and working with so many great co-workers and clients.
What advice do you have to new staff?
I would advise new staff to seek out those who want to mentor you and help you develop your skills and be successful. Never be afraid to ask questions.
Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank Dave Henning for the nomination. I would also like to thank YHB for providing me with the opportunity to work a schedule that has allowed me to have the time to volunteer.
While there are many team members at YHB deserving of these awards, we are proud to highlight our 2021 winners. At YHB, clients, community and staff are our top priorities. Celebrating those who live out our values is an honor, and team members like the above are what makes YHB a special place.