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Paige Earns Employee Benefit Plans Audit Certificate

YHB Supervisory Senior Nykeya Paige has been awarded the AICPA Intermediate Employee Benefit Plans Audit Certificate.

AICPA-employee benefit plans audit - certificateCertificates are issued to CPAs who perform single audits (governmental entities and grantees) and employee benefit plan audits. The program helps auditors improve and demonstrate competency and quality when conducting these specialized engagements.

According to the American Institutes of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), this program allows CPA’s the “… ability to plan, perform and evaluate single audits in accordance with the latest requirements of the new Uniform Guidance. The intermediate level is designed for auditors with approximately three to seven years of experience in performing single audits.”

Nykeya Paige

Nykeya is a key member of YHB’s Employee Benefit Services Team. She joined YHB in 2012 and became a licensed CPA in 2014. Nykeya has supervised audits across various industries but her career focus has been in the audit of employee benefit plans.

Manager Erica Young, another member of the Employee Benefits team, holds the AICPA Advanced Employee Benefit Plans Audit Certificate. Erica earned her advanced certificate in early fall of 2016. Both Nykeya and Erica work closely to assure absolute quality when performing Employee Benefit Plan audits.

Employee Benefit Plans

Our team has nearly 70 years of experience in performing employee benefit plan audits and presently audit over 60 plans.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) noted that firms that perform less than 25 employee benefit plan audits per year, tend to have poorer audit quality. Specifically, when reviewing audits performed by an audit firm that performs less than 25 employee benefit plans per year, the DOL found that 71% of the audits reviewed contained audit deficiencies.

YHB is proud to perform over 60 employee benefit plan audits per year, giving us the experience to provide you peace of mind that you’re in good hands.

Learn more about the Employee Benefit Services Team
